“Who Am I?”
Have you ever been asked: “Just WHO do you think you are?” It’s usually said in a derogatory manner. But it’s a fair-enough question: Who DO you think you are?
Have you ever been asked: “Just WHO do you think you are?” It’s usually said in a derogatory manner. But it’s a fair-enough question: Who DO you think you are?
The ten commandments have formed the basis for civilized life for most of the western world for at least 2600 years. We find them in two books of the Torah, Exodus and Deuteronomy, where they are an important part of the story of Moses bringing the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt. As they set out on [...]
Jesus’ teachings are very much based on hope, and more than hope, faith – faith that our hopes will be fulfilled. What a difference it would make to the Christian world if we truly believed the promises of Jesus.
Spring is the season when many of us decide it is time to give our homes an extra special cleaning which for me also means releasing items I no longer need or use.
If we have faith the size of a tiny seed which can grow into a huge tree, our word will be fulfilled. Whats more, with faith, nothing will be impossible for us.
E = Empower: “make stronger and more confident” - its about making ourselves stronger and more confident. Like on a plane - fit your own mask first, empower self before we can help others to empower themselves. Power is one of our spiritual gifts, and to use it well we need to Empower ourselves and encourage others [...]
This week I read about a 6 year old whose dog had to be euthanized. As he sat with his parents, stroking the sleeping dog, they discussed the question, “Why do people live longer than dogs?” The boy surprised them with his answer. ”People are born so that they can learn how to live a good life [...]
Palm Sunday talk by Rev. Rhonda Murray - Sunday 14th 2019 Palm Sunday is associated with Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, with the crowds laying down palm leaves and shouting, “Hosannah”. Yet less than a week later we are told the people were demanding his crucifixion. How can this be? This is part 1 of a 3-part [...]
Sunday talk from Rev. Rhonda Murray on 10th of Feb 2019 Jesus taught, “Love one another as I have loved you”. LOVE is such an overused word in English because it lacks the many different dimensions of love. If we love our mother, and we love pizza, that is rather insulting for our mother!! I'd like to [...]
Message from Rev. Rhonda MurraySunday Service Message 27 Jan. 2019 I sometimes get questioned about why Unity places so much importance on the Bible. Without the Bible, without Jesus' teachings, Unity would be just another personal development program. In Unity we explore the Bible stories, especially the Gospels, to find meaning relevant to our lives today. This [...]