Unity teaches that we are spiritual beings on a human journey, unique and sacred expressions of the divine.
Unity Reflections of Truth, affectionately known as Unity Brisbane, is a member ministry of Unity Worldwide Ministries based in Missouri, USA. Locally we are part of the Australasian Association of Unity Leaders, covering Australia and New Zealand.
Unity, founded in the USA, is part of the New Thought movement based on the teachings of Jesus as applied to our lives today. Unity teaches a positive, practical Christianity effectively applied to daily life to promote health, prosperity, happiness, and peace of mind.
Unity was founded in the 1890s as part of a wave of new denominations that sought a positive, practical, progressive approach to Christianity. We are also trans-denominational, in that we honor and study the universal truths in all religions and respect each individual’s right to choose a spiritual path.
TIME: 10:30am AEST
ON ZOOM: Every Sunday
IN PERSON: 2nd and 4th Sundays
at Bar Jai Community Centre
178 Alexandra Rd, Clayfield, Qld
We also have special events throughout the year such as workshops on fifth Sundays, Good Friday Meditation Service, Candle Lighting and Burning Bowl services at Christmas.
Spiritual Leaders
Rhonda Murray
Rhonda’s passion is for teaching the Bible subjects, both history and interpretation.
“I was not even interested in the Bible until I studied it in Unity during the 80s, sending me on a deep dive into the Bible and archaeology of ancient times.”
Rhonda received her Unity Teacher certificate in 1988, and her ordination in 1994. Over the years, Rhonda’s roles in Unity have included teaching a variety of Unity classes, serving as Spiritual Leader for Unity of Melbourne, and currently in her 14th year as Spiritual Leader for Unity Reflections of Truth in Brisbane.
She is dedicated to mentoring the next generation of Unity teachers to continue the wonderful work of sharing Unity principles with those ready to change their lives through spiritual awareness. She is grateful for Zoom, which is allowing those not near a Unity centre to participate in services and classes.
Julian Harvey
Julian grew up in a family involved with Australian Theatre which gave him the opportunity to live in every state capital city except Darwin.
His family has also travelled extensively throughout Europe, America and South East Asia which has given Julian a broader world view perspective. In 1972 the family were living in Honolulu where Julian’s mother, Grace Merrick, found Unity and Julian attended the Youth of Unity. On returning to Australia Julian attended two high schools run by the Anglican Church providing him with a more traditional perspective of religious teachings.
During his adult years Julian was chasing the traditional goals of wealth and corporate acceptance which resulted in many job changes and even bankruptcy and a divorce which ultimately led Julian to look internally at what he was doing with his life and ask questions about what life was telling him.
In his early 30’s, Julian was introduced to the 12 steps through a program in the Laurentian Mountains outside Montreal Canada, that utilised the Unity 12 Powers as well the Unity concept of One Power which made him feel as though he was coming home. Reconnecting with his Unity roots provided him concepts and ideas on living from the inside out instead of looking for happiness through the material world.
On returning to Australia, he joined the Unity family in Brisbane where he became a board member and completed the Spiritual Education and Enrichment program and then decided to further his education and become a Unity Teacher. In 2023 Julian completed the training and is now a Licensed Unity Minister and joins Rhonda as Co-Minister guiding and teaching those that attend, both via Zoom or in person, at Unity Reflections of Truth.
Our work is to understand for ourselves
the essence of spiritual truth and to discern
what that truth means in and for our lives.